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A conversation between a 14yrs old girl and a 40yrs old man

The 40years old man: Tell me more my girl.

The 14years old girl: So if you want to be saved, listen to my story about Jesus, God wanted to save man, He sent His only son Jesus to come to earth, He came as a baby and His mother was Mary, He grew up and He was teaching and healing. When it was time, they came for Him, they were accusing Him of blasphemy, so many things and He did not talk about it, He did not defend Himself. 

The 40years old man: Wow, so what happened afterwards?

The 14years old girl: Afterwards they found Him guilty, they tore His clothes and put a crown of thorns on His head and gave Him an heavy cross to carry. He suffered that day, He fell down many times for carrying the cross, the soldiers were mocking Him. He was nailed to the cross, can you imagine His pain?

The 40years old man: I can imagine, nailing my hands to anything noooooo. I feel for Him, He really did all things for me?

The 14years old girl: Yes, He did, He died on the cross and after three day, He Resurrected. So He died for our sin that Adam commited with Eve the first people on earth and the fruits of that sin. Lies, stealing, coverting etc they are all fruits of sin. If you want to be saved, first believe in this story, believe in Him and you will be saved. Don't go back to that life you lived before and maybe you are human you might sin, go to God in prayers and ask Him to forgive you, He will. You don't to wait for confession mass, you can go to confession mass if you like to talk somebody, but your sins are forgiven as you confess to God. Many so called converts are living in guilt, they will wait for confession for a sin you committed last week, no that's wrong you are giving the devil the opportunity to haunt you. Confess it on that same day and you are free. Do you understand what I am telling you?

The 40years old man: I understand, but how do you know all these things?

The 14years old girl: Because I read my bible, you should read your bible too and you will have vast knowledge of what Jesus did for you and you will live like Jesus. Are you ready to accept Him as your saviour?

The 40years old man: Yes I am.

The 14years old girl: Ok, say this Father, I want to give my life to You, I understand and I believe You died for me when I was lost, You waited for me to accept You as my saviour and I thank You for that and all the things You have done for me In Your Mighty Name Jesus. Amen. 


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